Mistress Cassandra 1-800-730-7164

Mistress Cassandra 1-800-730-7164

A Brave Gurl

What I enjoy most about fuckie fag boi is she is always ready to take it a step further. For example, today she sent me a pdf of her girlie expectations of the up and coming Amsterdam experience. There was no small talk today. It was all about being a sissy, lingerie, makeup, cocksucking faggotry, and the wardrobe selection while traveling by air. She is now back again in chastity as well, to keep her in line. I forgot to mention today while discussing girlie film, to see “The Danish Girl”. She is reading this so she will pick it up.

The Fuckie Collection

The Fuckie Collection

Her She Male Date

She referred to the she male she will inevitably choose from the street view as “her date”. She also asked me how much she should charge. Ummmm, no darling sissy slut, you are to pay the she male for the hot blowjob you will give her. Fuckie of course, will insist on a condom, and fuckie will have no anal pleasures on this tour. She certainly needs to work up to that. I so love planning all of this out. The session will be videoed for my pleasure, and for my eyes only.

Chaste Of Course

This will be all happening this fall. Fuckie still needs to have her ears and nipples pierced. She needs to work on her breasts, making them larger with the nooglebury, she needs to work on her  wardrobe, and most of all, she will remain in orgasm denial, staying completely chaste, in that pretty metal chastity cage.

Mistress Cassandra 1-800-730-7164