Time To Keep Your Promise And Suck Cock For Me!
Suck cock for me because more that likely you suggested it but have not done it. Now is the time. I declare the month of May as of today as “Suck Cock For Mistress Month”. Have you read my new post on the daily cocksucker? This post should get you started. I will simply elaborate here. Read the post and decide if you and want to be my bi-blowjob slut.
Get Creative
Reaching the higher cocksucking goal definitely takes work. It was much easier way back when until the internet went from wild west to tight assed Victorian. Well almost. We still have places like porn hub, and we can watch you jerk off and crossdress on Skype. They took away Yahoo cam which was super convenient for sluts and Femdom. Craigslist is gone which was the premiere pick up a dick site. In days like these boys get creative. Prohibition did not help stop booze after all.
Get Humble And Offer
I discussed your place in the cocksucking environment which is a volunteer. Have you have ever noticed whenever volunteering is mentioned for a particular cause they explain that a volunteer is the backbone of the organization? You do not exactly volunteer, but you are pushed into it or else! An assignment is an assignment is an assignment. You obey.
A Grateful Cocksucker
After the “suck cock for me training”, you are more than ready to be the charitable cocksucker, giving willingly and swallowing cum gratefully. When a cock comes your way, the time to work on gratitude has arrived, especially if he is a well endowed bull, so your gratitude will be to him, and to your cuckolding Mistress! I hope you enjoyed this post. Yes it was satirical and downright condescending, but when cuckolding enters the scene, you are in for it!
Mistress Cassandra 1-800-730-7164
Dear Mistress
I expected to see about a dozen responses from subs that want to please you. I just don’t understand what is wrong with slaves now a days.
They don’t make them like they used to? At least you are a good pet sissy slut alexis