Mistress Cassandra 1-800-730-7164

Free 10 Min Calls!

Want a free 10 minute call? Purchase a 20 minute call or longer between 5pm EST on Sunday (today) and 5am EST on Monday and receive a 10 minute credit! The credit can either be applied to today’s call, or used for a future call. You MUST mention the special when you call in order to receive it. There is a limit of 1 ten minute credit per boy, i.e., you don’t get a 4 ten minute credits if they do four 20 minute calls, just the one credit.

Dice Game Up On The Playground

The dice game is up on Ms-Cassandra.com! Thank the geek for all of his hard work getting this up…such a brilliant boy!I played with it today with strokepet alex. Since he did not have his pc fired up, I did it for him, and he lost, too bad, no orgasm for the poor boy. If you want to play dice game stroking on our call, simply fire up the program and let’s play! I can also randomly send you to it during the call if you decide to leave your orgasm (or not) up to me.

Pretty Little Vanessa…Too Bad Not A REAL Girl

Sissy vanessa sent me some awesome pictures of her dressed enfemme. She will be posting them on enchantrix empire social for everyone’s enjoyment. She is a stunning and very happy girl while dressed I must say, doing her sissy assignments independently and without a whimper. Her P.A. piercing is just about healed, and she will be ordering a Bon4 cage for P.A. piercings.

BJDB Has Moved Over

Blowjob duty boy has finished a very ambitious project. From now on, anything about this bukkake side show slut will be posted on the humiliation blog.

Chastity Mistress Cassandra 1-800-730-7164