The last update in chastie’s blog was rather interesting and it has Me thinking…….

“Being cock-locked has strange effects on me.

First of all it makes me incredibly horny – i havenâ??t worked out yet whether itâ??s because iâ??m under the complete control of a beautiful, sexy, intelligent, dominant woman, or the fact that i havenâ??t been allowed to cum in 2 weeks – probably a combination of the two.

Secondly, it makes me totally servile. Totally obedient to the wishes of my Mistress. Totally devoted.

i feel like â??Redâ?? Redding (played by that brilliant actor Morgan Freeman) in the Shawshank Redemption who, on leaving prison after 40 years, found that he couldnâ??t â??squeeze a dropâ?? without getting permission first to go to the bathroom. Itâ??s exactly the same with me (except over a different bodily function). Mistress Cassandra has owned Her cock for a year now and i no longer have any control over my sexual activities. Everything that Her cock does is dictated by The Dicktator. The Dicktator says when it can be let out. The Dicktator says when i can touch it. The Dicktator says when it can cum. The Dicktator says when it can be stuck into another woman – which is never. The Dicktator says when it is to be locked-up. The only thing that i decide is when to pee – and thatâ??s always through a slot the width of a quarter, and itâ??s always sitting down.

i think the next stage will be to be hypnotized – the final step in my training. i would be conditioned to gag violently every time that i touched Her cock. Only when The Dicktator said the special word would i be able to touch and stroke. And when it was over another word would put me back. The perfect form of cock control. No cage, no keys, no lockboxes, total control through two simple words.”

The notion of hypno on the slut has intrigued Me.  I’m throwing around asking Ms Carmen about hypno school, to become certified thereby contolling a cock even further.  Phone sex has come along way in our little company here.  It certainly doesnt favor the vanilla crowd as much unless humiliation is the new vanilla. I know some of the Mistresses will and do bend to do a bit of vanilla, but I prefer not to.

It’s red Friday for vodka terry. he’s certainly the best real man panty boy!

I need to chat with nancy.  she is fine now but into the 4th week it gets a bit scary for her, and the nancy boi never makes it beyond the 6th…poor poor sissy!
