Chastity Training Apps Are A Keyholder’s Helper
Chastity training apps have become very popular with the locked ones. Check out . Chastikey will be an app that I will research today in depth. I had a call last week with a boy who was using it. He had no problem locking and unlocking for a thirty minute session. Stroke, tease, and no please. Rarely do I allow cumming on the first call anyways. Years of experience taught me yes means no to a boy in most cases.
Dicktating Is At Your Fingertips
From what the locked one described, you can set it up with a timer, have a keyholder “dicktate” it, have no cumming options and a red box which will make you pay for release. Forums are forming with more info and I will be joining if it looks worthy. I have belonged to chastity training forums and found them really glitchy and not user friendly. One thing that totally drives me batty is logging on to a site be it a bank or anything, discovering your password has timed out. Government sites are like this. Recently, credit card payment options for paying tax is available to do. Try accessing the site if you haven’t for awhile.
The Time Difference
Since on the subject of chastity training, this app is perfect for over the pond training. Mistress can set up a release time without time difference problems. This may work with a boy who has inquired with an 11 hour time difference a few days ago. This would be a huge challenge to do a super strict program with someone in the middle east with time difference, and lack of Skype, Essentially he would be up and working while I am asleep and dreaming. Just last night I received an email from him at a time I am never signed on. We will see in the orientation call if that happens. I an not fond of email training and texting is only by appointment.
Release Goals Are Important
Now is a good time for chastity training for locked boys. We may be going into another lockdown soon and at home workers can use a diversion such as chastity training. Now it is more available than ever with apps like chastikey. The time to start such a program is now, and the goal for release could be when lockdown ends.
Happy Gobble
Will you be having Thanksgiving this year? I’m not gonna post anything about you getting “stuffed” with big dicks and cum frosting, however it would be nice if you did have some CUMpany wearing a big strap on or dripping real gravy. Stay safe and no orgies. I will be going out for dinner with a friend. No parties for this holiday season.
Mistress Cassandra 1-800-730-7164
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