vodka terry got his taxes done , mailed, and found the missing key deep in the bowels of his change jar.  He made it to 20 days and today was released as promised.  He’s the best chastity boy.  Obedient and never demanding.

You haven’t seen any journal entries for CL#25 because he has decided that chastity was not for him.  It’s ok because he stepped up to the plate and actually informed Me.  He’s allowed back any time.

Now CL#24 is awol…here today gone tomorrow.

My Dicktator site will be updated with all the text changed.  I have decided to run things differently.  You’ll see….LOL.  I’ll be busy sorting out the old posts I want to keep on the old blog to move here.  The tony boy chronicles and marcy monroe adventures will be moved over.  Both were the most fun for the time and I would hate to delete them.  Eventually I imagine, after the cyborgs take over the earth, a sophisticated method of murder called “deleted”  (stabbed , shot, etc, these crude forms of murder will become more and more obsolete) .  I would hate to be a Deleteress, so these posts won’t perish at My keys.

Look for the site changes tomorrow.


and visit My old blog before it’s “deleted”