A favorite stroking game I play with stoker boy alex is the “Milovana” game. Milovana.com features webteases weekly. I study a particular webtease making note of details like clothing, background, hair and eyecolor, shoes, lipstick, age of model, and what she has written. alex calls and he is given 15 min to study the webtease. he then closes his browser and calls back and I quiz him on the info I choose. Usually there will be around 8 to 10 questions. he must get at least 6 questions correct before I will let him cum. Sometimes I change the rules and require 100% accuracy. Sometimes I just dont let him cum at all. Right now the web page is up and Im waiting for his call. If he calls before I finish this post, I will post later on his result.

The other night I had a 4hr plus call with the cavey man. It was a hilarious and lively call discussing everything from sissy psyche to AA meetings. he was on beer and bong instead of the usual vodka. he was telling Me about his friend who got so fucked up on vodka that his big ass got stuck in the toilet bowl for 24 hours. The maid came in the next day and had to call the fire department. It took 2 firemen to pull him off the bowl. I imagine his as created a vacuum and he was sealed in. cavey reads Bukowski and we both agreed it sounded like a Bukowski tale. cavey has been reading about woofies program on this blog and decided he wanted to try the program. I cant imagine cavey as the ignore dog. We tried it for 15 min until he got bored and began talking again…lol. Also cavey was ordered into another denial program. I think he had too much to drink and smoke and just forgot! Bad bad boy.

Speaking of vodka, vodka terry called the other night and I had to dismiss him after 30 min. he took that one drink beyond and was too drunk to fuck, stroke, or even talk for that matter. I’m glad he doesnt get that way often. There is still the debate…who can drink who under the table..cavey or vt.

It’s Femdom night again, once a month at the club so I will not be taking calls this evening. Tomorrow afternoon there is a bondage seminar at this club, so I will not be working until the evening on Saturday.

call for session: 1-800-730-7164
